Opencart is a free and open source ecommerce application written in PHP, which can be used to develop a shopping cart system similar to Amazon and Flipcart. If you want to sell your products online or want to serve your customers even when you are closed Opencart is for you. You can build a successful online store (for online merchants) using reliable and professional Opencart Application.
These days there are some 100’s of ecommerce site viz., Flipcart, eBay, Alibaba, Zappos, IndiaMART, Amazon, etc. Have you thought of making your own Amazon and Flipcart like web-based Application Server? If yes, this article is for you.
Web Panel Demo
Store Front –
Admin Login –
Username: demo
Password: demo
Features of Opencart ecommerce
Opencart is an application that meets all the requirements of an online merchant. It has all the features (see below) using which you can make your own E-Commerce Website.
- It is a free (as in beer) and open source (as in speech) application released under GNU GPL License. Everything is well documented, means you don’t need to Google and shout for help.
- Free life-time support and updates.
- Unlimited number of categories, products and manufacturer supported.
- Everything is template based.
- Multi-language and multi-currency supported. It ensures your product gets a global reach.
- Built-in product review and rating features.
- Downloadable products (viz., ebook) supported.
- Automatic image resizing supported.
- Features like multi tax rates (as in various country), viewing velated products, information page, shipping weight calculation, availing discount coupons, etc are well implemented by default.
- Built-in backup and restore tools.
- Well implemented SEO.
- Invoice printing, error log and sales report are supported as well.
System Requirements
Web Server (Apache HTTP Server preferred)
PHP (5.2 and above).
Database (MySQLi preferred but I am using MariaDB).
The following extensions are required PHP library and modules that must be installed and enabled on your system to install Opencart properly on the web server.
GD Library
For more info go through the official website.
Image: Designed by freepik